Textiles and the Triplett Sisters

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BAQ: Columbian Fire Company

The diary that connected the Washingtonians and the Fire Companies, also mentioned her father’s connection to Odd Fellows. I wondered if that was an isolated situation with her father just being actively involved. However, after researching the Columbian Fire Company, I realized that it was more common than I expected.

Lt. Colonel William H. Watson was a hero in the Mexican American War killed leading a charge in 1846. Many times, the Watson block is simply associated with that heroism. But W. H. Watson also served as the President of the Columbian Fire Company for multiple years. Then in 1843, when the Columbian Temperance Society was formed, the volunteer firefighters were asked to sign an abstinence pledge. After the initial temperance meeting where upwards of 50 Columbian Fire Company members signed the pledge, they also elected Watson as President. Watson also belonged to the International Order of Odd Fellows. Members of all of these organizations participated in the procession to honor him. So, the blocks could have been created for multiple reasons including honoring a hero, or as a fundraiser.

The Columbian Temperance Society was led and organized by the actual firefighters. They had fundraising balls etc. but, in this group, the men led the activities. So, where did that leave the women involved and were the women fundraising for the poor or the firehouse like the previous fire companies we’ve researched? The women’s group appears to be called “Ladies of Fells Point,” which is the part of town where the Columbian Fire Station was located. Mrs. Bawden and the other ladies donated 10 quilts to be sold for the Wesleyan Home Missionary Society (whose goal was to care for the poor of the city.) According to the 1845 newspaper, the quilts “beautifully made” were on display at Isaac P. Cook’s Bookstore at 76 Baltimore Street.

However, it doesn’t tell us what type of quilts. Although given that these were made during the height of the BAQ period and multiple BAQ’s have a reference to Watson, it does make me wonder. Sometimes in research you end up with multiple pieces of the puzzle, lots of questions, and still hunting for the specific answer. I’m still hunting and hope more will be revealed as I continue to research.