Textiles and the Triplett Sisters

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BAQ's: Union Fire Company

As I continue to research the connection of Fire Companies of Baltimore and Baltimore Album Quilts, based on the diary note, there are interesting results. This new line of investigation is leading to new answers and possibilities. In our last blog post we explored the Ladies Liberty Temperance Benevolent Society associated with the Liberty Fire Company. The Liberty Fire Company participated in a public procession and mourning of President Andrew Jackson.

The Union Fire Company joined the Liberty Fire Company in shrouding their Fire Company banners and halls with mourning for six months for Andrew Jackson. I’ve looked in vain for some direct link between the Jacksonian Blocks and why they were included in the certain BAQs. My current working theory asks if these blocks were sewn by the two fire companies’ ladies to acknowledge their company’s participation in mourning and thereby honoring Andrew Jackson.

The Ladies Union Temperance Society (associated with the Union Fire Company) like the Liberty Temperance Benevolent Society also hosted events to raise money for the Washingtonian Sabbath School and “families of poor inebriates.” These included festivals, concerts, and tea parties with the Union Fire Company men heavily involved. According to the Baltimore newspaper, these ladies met to sew at 3pm on Mondays in addition to the regular weekly meeting at 7:30 pm with speakers.

I was also astonished to read a newspaper article detailing that the Union Company was to be presented with a banner made by the “Ladies of Baltimore” in November 1851. For those of you familiar with the BAQ at the St. Louis Museum of Art it was made by the “Ladies of Baltimore” and includes a block inscribed by Mary Ann Hudgins. Mr. Hudgins was an officer in the Union Fire Company and his wife Mary Ann frequently provided the food and desserts at their events. We are currently waiting for additional photography from the St. Louis Art Museum to connect other names.