Textiles and the Triplett Sisters

Spring Is Here!

My sister continues to shovel as additional snowstorms come her way. However, I’m so thankful that Spring is coming to my area. Jonquils and narcissus are blooming with the magnolia tree showing color, which means that it’s time for a Spring update. My quilt designs are definitely turning springlike with birds, blooms, and butterflies. So, stay tuned to Saturday Sampler to see more of those. I’ll also be adding some Spring colors in reproduction fabric (vintage and new) to the Etsy shop to help with these Spring designs. The Triplett Sisters Block of the Month is full of birds and blooms with some choosing to add butterflies. We’re just getting started on this BOM and everyone is invited to work at their own pace, so please don’t hesitate to join us. You will also see this...

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WOW, Thank You!

Last blog, I put a call out for quilts to honor Di Ford Hall. Readers, you responded so generously, with quilt photos coming from all over the world. It was a reminder of the impact Di Ford Hall had. As more people make quilts with her fabric or designs, we will continue to see her impact. A huge thank you to everyone who submitted a quilt image. To see all the quilts, be sure you check out the video THE LEGACY OF DI FORD HALL which will be released Thursday May 14. If you enjoy quilts in this style or antique quilts, please subscribe to our YouTube channel so you don’t miss a video! Thank you to everyone that is participating in our new BOM, The Wedding Quilt! It is a very talented group of people...

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In Mourning

The quilt world is in mourning this week because we lost one of our stars, Di Ford Hall. She impacted many parts of the quilting industry, which impacted each of us, depending on how you knew her. She was a friend, mentor, and colleague to many in the industry. To many people, she was a teacher and encourager, getting people started on a specific technique or style. To some she was known as a fabric designer, drawing inspiration for one of her fabric lines from our book “Chintz Quilts from the Poos Collection.” My immediate thought as I heard of her passing was to think of her health struggle which took her life too early. I also thought of the many people that were inspired by her artistry. It made me think about her legacy. The...

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Whimsy in a World of WHO

Last fall we saw the Whimsy Exhibition at the International Quilt Museum and it was a fun reminder of unique approaches and the use of unusual items in quilts. As we are fighting this pandemic as defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) it is easy to forget that sense of creative joy or whimsy. Yet, this might be the time we need those creative juices most. It is vital to help others by; sewing masks, providing food to the starving, or sending cards to those who need encouragement. In the quilting industry with very small profit margins, it is important to support non-profits and businesses by making purchases, posting/sharing links for others to see, and donating to preserve our treasured museums and businesses. (Experts estimate 21 % of businesses will close in 30 days of...

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Boys Wanna Have Fun Too!

Although quilting is currently dominated by women, guys have been quilting and sewing longer than they are sometimes given credit. Throughout historical periods, tailors were much more commonly male and sometimes the costume artists ventured into quilting. A prime example is Joe the Quilter, (no, not Joe Cunningham another talented quilter) this Joseph Hedley died in 1826. Joseph Hedley was a horrible tailor, but a gifted internationally known quilter. To overcome the lack of awareness of the talented male quilters, The Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum for many years has offered a biennial juried exhibition of their work. “Boys Just Wanna Have Fun Too!” received nearly 100 entries which were juried by Luana Rubin (what no male judge?). She selected forty-one quilts which were on exhibit from Feb 5 – May 26, 2018 and a few selections...

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